Classes and Presentations

NAMI El Paso offers a variety of free, evidence-based classes and presentations designed to educate and empower individuals, families, and communities. These programs address key mental health topics, including crisis management, early intervention, and strategies for support and recovery. Each session is tailored to provide valuable insights, resources, and tools to promote understanding and improve mental health outcomes. Explore our offerings and join us in creating a stronger, more informed community.

NAMI Basics

NAMI Bases y Fundamentos

A 6-session course for adult parents and caregivers of children and adolescents formally or not yet diagnosed with a mental health condition. These may include ADD/ADHD, depression, bipolar disorder, panic disorder, and other mental health conditions. Caregivers of children and adolescents affected by a mental health condition teach this 2½-hour course.

Un curso gratuito de 6 clases para adultos que son padres o que cuidan de niños y adolescentes con o sin diagnóstico formal de una condición de salud mental, como déficit de atención con o sin hiperactividad, trastorno bipolar o de pánico, y otras condiciones de salud mental. Esta clase de 2½ horas es impartida por personas que cuida de niños y adolescentes con una condición de salud mental.

Celebrating Our LGBTQIA+ Community From NAMI El Paso

A 60 minute presentation designed to help audiences better understand and support the LGBTQIA+ Community. The presentation discusses a history of the LGBTQIA+ Movement, statistics, and obstacles facing the community. The LBGTQIA+ community experiences mental health conditions at a higher rate than their peers.

NAMI Ending the Silence

NAMI No Más Silencio

Ending the Silence is a free, evidence-based, 50-minute session designed for middle and high school students. Students will learn about mental health conditions through a brief presentation, short videos, and personal testimony from a young adult who describes their journey to recovery. There is also a presentation for families, offering valuable insights, resources, and strategies to help them support their youth.

NAMI No Más Silencio es una sesión gratuita de 50 minutos basada en evidencias y diseñada para estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria. Los estudiantes aprenderán sobre las condiciones de salud mental a través de una breve presentación, videos cortos y el testimonio personal de un adulto joven que describe su camino hacia la recuperación. También hay una presentación para las familias, que ofrece información valiosa, recursos y estrategias para ayudarlas a apoyar a sus jóvenes.

NAMI Family and Friends

NAMI Family & Friends is a free, 90 minute seminar that informs and supports family members, partners, friends and significant others who have loved ones with a mental health condition. Participants learn about diagnoses, treatment, recovery, communication strategies, crisis preparation and NAMI resources. Seminar leaders are also family members and know what it is like to have a loved one with a mental health condition.

NAMI Family-to-Family

NAMI De Familia-a-Familia

An 8-session course for adult family members, caregivers, and friends of adults living with a mental health condition such as schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder. Individuals who know someone affected by a mental health condition teach this 2½-hour course.

Un curso gratuito de 8 clases para adultos que son familiares o aquellas personas que cuidan de personas con una condición de salud mental tal como esquizofrenia, depresión, trastorno bipolar, ansiedad, o estrés post-traumático. Esta clase de 2½ horas es impartida por personas que tienen un ser querido con una condición de salud mental.

NAMI Homefront

NAMI Homefront is a free, 6-session educational program for families, caregivers, and friends of military service members and vets with mental health conditions. Based on the nationally recognized NAMI Family-to-Family program, NAMI Homefront is designed to address the unique needs of family, caregivers, and friends of those who have served or are currently serving our country. The program is taught by trained family members of service members/veterans living with mental health conditions.

NAMI In Our Own Voice

NAMI En Nuestra Propia Voz

A 40-, 60- or 90 minute presentation of speakers’ personal stories to illustrate the reality of living with a mental health condition that offers insight into the hope and possibility of recovery. Open to the general public as well as special groups, such as educators, consumers, providers, and law enforcement.

Una presentación de 40, 60, o 90 minutos de experiencias personales para ilustrar la realidad de lo que es vivir con una condición de salud mental para entender la esperanza y la posibilidad de recuperación. Abierta al público en general, así como grupos especiales como educadores, consumidores, proveedores y oficiales de la ley.

Navigating a Mental Health Crisis

by NAMI El Paso

Navigating a Mental Health Crisis is a free, 60-minute presentation based on NAMI’s “Navigating a Mental Health Crisis” handbook. This session is designed to equip individuals, families, and caregivers with essential tools and knowledge to manage mental health emergencies effectively. It aims to provide attendees with practical information to navigate mental health crises effectively, ensuring safety and promoting recovery.

Mental Health in the Workplace

by NAMI El Paso

Each year in the US, mental health challenges lead to a loss of $200 billion dollars in earnings due to healthcare use and reduced workforce productivity.* NAMI El Paso is ready to work with employers to help bring education, support, and awareness to the workplace. NAMI El Paso has developed workshops and materials for the workplace. Let us become partners in mental health.

NAMI Peer-to-Peer

NAMI De Persona a Persona

An 8-session course for adults with a mental health condition who are looking to better understand their condition and journey toward recovery. Trained teams of individuals who are living in recovery of a mental health condition teach this 2-hour course.

Un curso gratuito de 8 clases para adultos con algún tipo de condición de salud mental que estén buscando mejorar su conocimiento sobre su condición y el camino hacia la recuperación. Esta clase de 2 horas es impartida por personas que viven en recuperación de una condición de salud mental.

NAMI Provider

An in-service training that introduces mental health professionals to the unique perspectives of individuals living with mental illness and their families. A trained team, that includes a mental health professional who lives with a mental health condition or is a family member, a family member of an individual living with a mental health condition, and an individual with a mental health condition who is now in recovery, lead this training as either a one-time 4-hour seminar or a 5-session course.

NAMI Sharing Your Story With Law Enforcement

NAMI Sharing Your Story with Law Enforcement (SYSLE) is a presentation program that prepares individuals and family members to share their stories of lived experience with mental illness to a law enforcement audience, such as during Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training, or other events where mental illness and related topics are featured. SYSLE Presenters provide an opportunity for officers to hear about someone who experienced being in crisis and may have interacted with law enforcement as a result, but is now living well with mental illness. The powerful and unique stories shared by NAMI presenters help increase officers’ understanding and empathy, improving crisis response in communities.

NAMI Basics

NAMI Bases y Fundamentos

NAMI Smarts for Advocacy is a skill-building training that helps people affected by mental health conditions turn their passion and lived experience into skillful grassroots advocacy.

A NAMI Smarts workshop engages participants in hands-on learning to build and strengthen skills to engage in issue advocacy. Whether someone is new to advocacy or has years of experience, people will leave the workshop with messages, step-by-step tools and the practice they need to feel ready to make a difference.

NAMI Smarts for Advocacy begins with its core skill: Telling Your Story. This module guides participants through writing and delivering a compelling version of their story that will serve as the starting point for their issue advocacy.

To request a class, email

Salud Mental 101 para Familias

by NAMI El Paso

Una sesión interactiva de 1 hora diseñada para padres y cuidadores de jóvenes. Este programa cubre temas clave como reconocer señales de advertencia, comprender las estadísticas de salud mental, fomentar conversaciones abiertas con su hijo y colaborar de manera eficaz con el personal escolar. El objetivo es brindarles a las familias herramientas y conocimientos para apoyar el bienestar mental de sus hijos y enfrentar los desafíos juntos.

This presentation is only available in Spanish. Ending the Silence for Families is an English presentation with the same goals.