Our Mission

NAMI El Paso provides advocacy, education, support and public awareness so that all individuals and families affected by mental health conditions can build better lives.

Our Vision

NAMI El Paso envisions a world where all persons affected by mental health conditions experience resiliency, recovery and wellness.


A Short History of NAMI El Paso

In 1985, Elvia Rubalcava, Clifford J. Reuschlein, and Gregorio Luna had been waiting for some time in the emergency room at R.E. Thomason General Hospital, now known as the University Medical Center.  These individuals found themselves frustrated and dismayed by the lack of information on services, and help for individuals and families in need of services. Mr. Reuschlein was familiar with the Alliance for the Mentally Ill (now the National Alliance of Mental Illness). In 1986, after overcoming challenges and rejections, the El Paso Alliance for the Mentally Ill, now known as the National Alliance of Mental Illness in El Paso, was established along with the creation of the articles of incorporation, nonprofit status, and bylaws.

In 2013, former Board President Richard Salcido, led the charge in applying for a grant from the Think.Change Initiative from the Paso del Norte Health Foundation. Soon there after, Family Service of El Paso and NAMI El Paso were granted the People Empower El Paso Grant, and have seen significant growth therefor after. 

NAMI El Paso is a grassroots organization that harnesses the considerable passion of our volunteers who are dedicated to transforming El Paso’s experience and understanding of serious mental health conditions.